Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Post glitter decompression from burlycon and a challenge to our Aussie Burly community.

Evening dazzlers & dazzler-ettes!

I'm writing this from my hotel room in Vegas where I'm about to go tomorrow and visit the beautiful Burlesque Hall of Fame. 

I've never been more inspired and hopeful for our future after Burlycon. We have an amazing international community, I have discovered. Obviously there is many of you who knew this but the level of community of those showing up is and was un-paralleled to anywhere else. I've met people who have embraced me despite being the socially awkward nerdy gamer burlesquer I am and I can't believe how much love I have gotten for taking the time to make it to America just to learn from the community at large.

I was taught lessons I needed a reminder on and learnt new things that had either been forgotten or needed to learn. I was not the only one in this boat and it was a beautiful thing being in this glitter tribe  together.

Favourite classes for me were:
* Kelita's showgirl anatomy class bringing me in touch with the movements of the showgirl on a physiological level

* Waxie Moon's stage presence class, seriously one little technique has got me improving already!

* Iva Handfull's "this class goes to 11!" About rocking out on stage, seriously I cannot say enough good things about this woman, she really is a talented and wonderful human being!

* living legend Bic Caroll's costuming tip class, changing the way I will costume forever, the man is hysterical and bawdy and I love this man deep within my soul and loins, just the way he would like it!

* Minnie Tonka's comedy class, learnt some things about my own comedy style and some great things to remember when making a comedy routine!

Indigo Blue's keynote speech was probably one of the most amazing life affirming speeches to listen to. After being kicked off Facebook in the great name-gate issue Facebook is still having, she has some amazing food for thought about what needs to happen next in our community and where we need to get back to our roots while still looking and moving forward. 

And moving forward, I'm sending my love to my Australian Burly community and I say this to start the conversation: we can do better and we can be better. We need to make sure we improve in our own local community so we can pass on a legacy that keeps on giving. I don't have the answers, but we need to self-evaluate against ourselves and our community so we can grow and develop beyond now. Maybe asking the question could just get you thinking of your own answer or at least the path you want to take to answer the question.

So that the art of our first and foremost, erotic and adult entertainment is being kept to a high standard that we set for ourselves and the community. 
So that we are fostering & encouraging the self-expression & self-possession of those who come to us to learn and join our ranks on the stage, so we can be a varied & unique community in our global community. 
So that we are working together and thinking outside of the box to bring more shows to the public that will open our own eyes to what we can do when we work together at the same time. 
The possibilities for our community ARE infinite, we just have to take them.

So I put a challenge to you my burly community: before the end of the year, take a class. Somewhere you never have before in something you've either wanted to or have been too afraid to. Even if you find it disappointing or not what you thought, you may remember one thing that you can bring to our community to help it grow and help yourself grow and that is never a bad thing! To stop learning is stunt your own growth as a human being, deep into your soul.

The next challenge I have: go to burlycon.
If you are a performer, you need to go.
If you are a producer, you need to go.
If you provide a service to the community, from costuming to lighting the stage, you need to go.

Next year it's in November, and tickets can be bought NOW (I'm not kidding there's some specials available at the moment!) you have 13 months to save to get over there and if you go in a group or as a troupe it works out less. 
You have no excuse not to learn and no excuse not to go over and teach something to another community.
You will never regret the experience and the choice to go, I can promise you this.

Keep on dazzling,

DD xxx

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