Thursday, 25 October 2012

Videos of Burlesque I'm enjoying!

Hello Dazzlers & Dazzler-ettes!

Tonight I felt like watching some boobies and well, look what I've found here!

April O'Peel: Jungle Hair.
Sorry Ladies and Gentlefolk, Blogger wont let me embed from this site for some reason! However, please enjoy the way she takes her top off. And I also enjoy the movement. Whats the best thing to do with a gorgeous rack? Why hang things off it of course!

Mummy Goodness: Lola Frost & Cherry on Top
With Halloween just around the corner, we all love a good Egyptian Mummy horror story (my fave Goosebumps story as a kid too!) Lola Frost and Cherry on Top happily deliver on this!

Cthulhu Strip: Anja Keister

Speaking of Halloween, one thing people enjoy are horror stories, and Lovecraft vintage horror stories helped with paving the way, and what better way to honour him than with D20's Cthulhu routine by Anja Keister! I'm becomming a big fan of Nerdlesque which is starting to grow in the US, this gives the perfect reason why!


Carnies with Candy: Just what we want at Halloween!

Hello Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

Tomorrow night is Carnies with Candy Creatures of the night spectacular! Yum!

Also! The UK winter edition of The Burlesque Bible mag is out, I love it when it comes out, I salivate for days over all the pretties in it!

You'll be sure to hear more about both soon! :)

And now.....back to showgirl sewing!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Burlesque History Lesson: Lydia Thompson

Hello Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

Today's Sunday, in between sewing projects, involves a little bit of a history lesson. Everyone should know their roots (even if you dye them!), and what better way to start than one of the first women to perform Burlesque than Lydia Thompson, whose "British Blondes" troupe began the Burlesque movement in America.

Lydia was born in 1838, and left home at 14 to start dancing, and in 1852 at 16, joined Her Majesty's Theatre as one of their dancers. In wasn't until 1855 though, that she did her Burlesque show, which were back then more about poking fun rather than taking your clothes off. They were still just as scandalous however, with women showing their legs albeit covered in tights, dressing like men in costumes that only went to their thighs and taking on their mannerisms while poking fun at them. Her dancing in the Burlesque extravaganzas made her acclaimed throughout Europe by the time she was 21. The Times in London called her "One of the most eminent of English dancers".

Lydia in her "Bird's nest" Costume!

In 1863, she married and had a child with her first husband, who died during a steeplechase just a year later, but by 1868, she had married again, this time to Alexander Henderson, and who for the next 18 years until his death in 1886, would be her business partner even after separation, and integral in helping her bring her most famous production about.

Lydia had decided in 1868 that Burlesque should and would be brought to America. It was to be an extravaganza of comediennes, dancers, actors and Burlesque stories....that was entirely performed by women. Lydia was also in control of "image" for the tour and with the help of promoter Archie Gordon, made sure that while their routines may be scandalous, her girls reputations were pure and that by the time they touched America soil, she was practically the Lady Gaga of English Burlesque.

It was an overnight sensation almost, with men and women both scandalized and entranced by what these "British Blonde" performers could do, with ample bosoms, revealing costumes for the time and "all natural" blonde hair. The shows were not as well received with open arms by everyone. American Feminist Olive Logan in a speech to the Equal Rights association of America lambasted Lydia's Blondes for their risque and demeaning performances. Mark Twain was also probably one of the most famous critics of the Blondes during their tour.

In 1870, one particular critic Wilbur Storey had it in for her troupe and had insinuated the depraved virtues and sexuality of her girls and as she put it "had called her by the most odious epithet that could be applied to a woman, and she could stand it no longer". By not standing for it any longer, she meant that her, her husband Alexander and one of the shows top performers Pauline Markham went and horsewhipped him while at gunpoint in his home, and while arrested, were only made to pay a fine. I can bet there would be a few people who would want to do that to their critics!

Lydia and some of her "British Blondes" Troupe

Amazingly, the troupe's original tour of only 6 months which was to be only the Burlesque Ixion (a Greek Mythology mind you about a guy who in some versions of the story performed oral sex on Zeus' wife Hera at the table and then got chained to a spinning wheel on fire for eternity as a result! Manners, really!), went on for 6 years and they performed 12 different Burlesque shows during that time including Robin Hood, Sinbad the Sailor, Robinson Crusoe and Aladdin! They were entranced by these strong, self possessed and unbridled women. 

They returned in 1874 where she kept performing and touring, and her husband Alexander even bought a Burlesque Theatre in 1876, named the "Folly Theatre" where she performed for many years, in between touring American and Europe. She tried retiring in 1879, but she was back again in 1881 on stage. In 1894 she completed her last American Tour, then 56, and she was performing up until the year she died in November 1908, aged 70.

Lydia was survived by her Daugter Agnes, who later became known as "Zeffie" Tilbury, and moved to America to work in silent movies, including one with Greta Garbo and one of her last movies was "The Grapes of Wrath"in 1940.

Fun fact: Lydia had a "Lesbian Stalker" who had followed them from city to city, so enraptured with Lydia and threw herself at Lydia when she finally managed to get her alone. When Lydia tried to push her away, the attacker charged her with assault and she was arrested in Chicago in 1870!

 Keep on Dazzling!

DD xxx 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Stage Door Johnnies: Hello Boys!

Afternoon Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

I'm recovering from last nights Fresh Faced Follies, and a special thank you to those who came and saw my pineapples get very wet! I'm glad you all enjoyed it!

Tuesday night was a night I was particularly excited about. I'd watched the videos, read the interviews and seen the photos, but nothing really, in my mind prepared me for these amazing boys. I almost did slide off my seat in pure happiness!

(c) Derek Jackson from

The Stage Door Johnnies for those who don't know or missed out, are comprised of three gorgeous Chicago men called Bazuka Joe, Jett Adore and (my personal new man crush) Ray Gunn. These guys won best group in 2011 at the Burlesque Hall of Fame (BHoF) weekend in Las Vegas and they most definitely earned it. Jett Adore has also won in the past "Most Innovative" at the weekend in 2010 for his performance of his "White Peacock" routine, which was absolutely stunning, and definitely a favourite of my peacock loving friends.

Bazuka Joe opened up the show with a towel removing routine, which was quite cheeky and a clever Chinese fan routine, which I really loved. I really enjoyed how sweet and clever his routines were and my personal favourite introduction for him was "he'll put the duck sauce on YOUR egg roll!"

Jett Adore not only did his stunning Peacock routine, but also a very Showman routine with lots of flying coattails and strategically placed bow-ties! Jett Adore and his costuming was amazing stunning and inspiring! After the show when he came out in a full-length Frock coat in sparkly purple brocade, I may have "fangirled" equally over both him and the coat.

Ray Gunn pretty much changed the way I look at the Disney Jungle Book movie now with a Jungle man/snake routine with a very suggestive apple at the end! He also performed a very rock/punk bump n' grind routine which resulted in spraying his drink everywhere, very messy, but in the best way possible! Fun fact I found about Ray too is that he works with a Steampunk dance group called "Brass and Cogs" which excites my Steampunkery love!

We can't also forget the girls supporting the Johnnies who are just as amazing! The MC Nadine Dubois was a definite hit and I enjoyed her banter with the audience, I thank her for learning what "Jetski-ing" was, I like it when shows are educational too. The Schlep sisters comprised of Minnie Tonka, who is all types of 1980's fabulousness and Darlinda just Darlinda, who competed in this years BHoF Reigning Queen competition and performed her neon strip which was amazing to watch! Both their group routines, especially their finale ABBA/Disco inspired routine were beautiful to watch.

All in all, I was so happy, excited and inspired by watching these amazingly talented people! It was worth every penny, and there's now a signed picture from them hanging in my lounge room soon!

I'll leave you with the best part of the night for me......

(l-r: Bazuka Joe, Jett Adore and Ray Gunn)

Keep on Dazzling!

DD xxx

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Bon Voyage Baby tonight!

Hello Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

With the last minute preparations for Fresh Faced Follies this Wednesday nearly done, tonight I'm off to see Bon Voyage Baby, which is a farewell tribute show to Sapphire Demure (Lia), one of the teachers at Sugar Blue Burlesque before she leaves for London town!

I took my first class with Sapphire in August 2011 when I had just a twinkle in my eye for Burlesque after looking for years at the website and never quite having the guts to do it.

It was a year later after many classes and learning different techniques and different ways to hold myself, that I made my solo debut on stage, and I can say with certainty I wouldn't have gone through with it if it wasn't for her. She has definitely shaped the beginnings of the dancer I am today, and opened my eyes to so much, and for that I'm going to be forever grateful.

Bon Voyage Baby is on Tonight at the Bakery, 233 James St Northbridge, doors open 7:30pm, $30 at the door or $25 if you buy now on 

Keep Dazzling!

DD xx

Monday, 8 October 2012

What's Dollar Dazzler up to now?

Hello Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

Performances coming soon:

Oct 17 2012: Fresh Faced Follies with the Advanced Burlesque dancers, The Bakery, Northbridge
Mar 9th 2013: Miss Burlesque WA heat Fly by Night club, Fremantle

Things I'm doing that I'll tell you all about!

Oct 16th: Seeing the Stage Door Johnnies and Schlep Sisters!
Oct 26th: Going to see Carnies with Candy rock out in their Halloween Party
Nov 9th: Taking Strawberry Siren's Circlesque class
Nov 10th: Bad Girls and Wicked Women Sugar Blue Burlesque show
Nov 25th: Steampunk Showgirl photo shoot with David Woolley!

More coming soon....


Welcome to the Showgirl!

Good Evening Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

My name is Dollar Dazzler, I'm a Burlesque dancer from Perth whose time traveling through Steampunk Books has inspired me to be more scandalous than my Victorian fore-mothers and their dance hall shenanigans!

I fell in love with Steampunk in 2009 when I was whisked away to an event called "Euchronia" in a civilized city called Melbourne, and from there I have read and fallen in love with the literature, art and of course, the fashion and societal etiquette which is constantly upended and yet held with high regard and affection.

Burlesque is not quite as long a story. While I am trained in theatre and circus arts and performing since I was 7, I have been studying for over a year with Sugar Blue Burlesque and honed the type of dancing skills those dance hall girls would be proud of!

I intend to make this a place of Burlesque/Steampunk love and share many different things and places to explore while keeping you in the loop with who I'm dazzling next!

Dazzle on!

DD xxx