Sunday, 29 March 2015

A handy reference guide of online reading material!

Evening Dazzlers & Dazzler-ettes!

Now, I know this has probably been done elsewhere, but one of things a little nerdling like me loves to do is surf the internet in-between costume bargain hunting, gaming and sewing up a storm. Over the years, I've collated online resources and blog posts that helped shaped my views and passion for this art form which while I only started performing as a soloist 3 years ago, I've been interested in the material since 2004.

Here's my online Burlesque resource list!

Google Books: Type in "Burlesque" and you have volumes of burlesque books come up, from Jo Weldon's book, to Victorian Burlesque plays. Google then highlights all the references for you to go through to read. You can also then make up your own library of these books for references later. A lot of these books are not full volumes though, but what they do have is worth its digital weight in Bitcoins! Personal favourites of mine are:
* Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque & American Culture
* Mae West: An Icon in Black & White
* Lydia Thompson, Queen of Burlesque
* Girl Show: Into the Canvas World of Bump & Grind

So Burlesque Blog: It's part French, part English, but the blogger who runs this has done their research REALLY well! It hasn't been updated since October 2014 by the looks, but its well worth a look, and has a lot of love for BHoF too.

Pin Curl Magazine: Pin Curl Magazine has been around since 2009, and do Print Editions as well. There is great profiling of performers on there as well as some great Burlesque history articles. I highly recommend this website as one of your go-to's!

Simply Burlesque: This blog is in two places. here and here. The older one has some great resources and the newer blog only goes up until 2011.

Daily Burlesque: This is the New York School of Burlesque's blog. Very insightful, great interviews, great lessons from Jo Weldon.

Nerdy & Naked: One of my favourite burly performers, Dangrrr Doll, has only written a few posts, but they have been really insightful posts, especially good for the Nerdlesquers out there.

21st Century Burlesque: Your number one go to for a lot of information about the industry. I don't think I need to say more!

This webpage is almost vintage in internet terms itself, one of the earlier websites I found many years ago and has some very interesting history and information on Burlesque performers. I'm not sure if BHoF has anything to do with them however.

Vintage Sleaze: This while specializes more in Vintage smut, has some really great articles about Burlesque performers and pictures of them. Really good references in this blog too, you can tell it's well researched.

This specific post is an important read if you're starting out or experienced. Always good to remember and there are similar posts out there too, but I just like this one. Read the rest of her blog, she just put out a great post about Burlesque audiences and how to handle them!

And finally, another one of my favourites, Grace Cherry's Blog from Tasmania. A smart cookie if ever there was and talented to boot, her blog posts are really enjoyable to read.

That's all for now, still working hard on costuming, I can't wait to show you what I've been working on!

Keep on Dazzling,

DD xxx

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Fringeworld Post 2: Hair and make-up (or how Atomic Cosmetics rocks my socks)

Evening Dazzlers & Dazzler-ettes,

So I will be the first to admit, I am not the worlds best at hair and make-up, I've recently taken to wearing wigs or hair pieces more often now because styling my hair is causing some damage to my already fine hair. On my list of things to learn this year is definitely wig styling and I'll definitely show the results of this!

My make-up is improving, I took a really amazing class at Burlycon and I've taken some of those tips into my pre-show setting, and I've had markedly less make-up dramas as a result! During our run, we had amazingly horrid humidity, so that challenged the base more than the lights did, but I've got to talk about some of the new products I'm using that I picked up while in the states and post-overseas trip!

Nars illuminating concealer: This was brought to my attention while I was discovering the make-up mecca that is Sephora (aka: their make-up artist put it on me properly before I had a chance to say "are you sure?") I use the shade Vanilla and it mixes perfectly with my pancake that I use for some performances, so it's my go to now!

Benefit Brow-zings: I'd been using a different version which was a limited edition wax and powder, and this was the closest thing to it, still a favourite as gels don't work in my eyebrows!

Atomic Cosmetics:

Ok this gorgeous little company I'd heard a little bit about, but then I saw their wares at Burlycon (they traditionally hold court in one of the penthouse suites of the hotel for con go-ers to get a full experience) and after that I was sold! A lot of their make-up range is used by drag queens and it suits many different skin tones, if you go into their Seattle store or see them at Burlycon, they will also make you a foundation exactly to your skin colour which they can make up again at anytime, So there's nothing you won't find in Dr. Jen's range! All of their make-up is made toxin free, cruelty free, non face clogging love,  Here are my faves that I will be putting in repeat orders again for:

"Lana" Lipstick:

Not only is the container a cute pink with faux rhinestone edges, but it goes on like a dream, I've been using CoverGirl Lipstains for a really long time, but this is definitely now on high rotation instead!

"Magic Mixxx Eyeshadow setting Potion":

This item was my absolute saviour over Fringeworld, the tip that was given to me was mix one to two drops of this with whatever eye glitter I wanted to attach to my face and it would set and not move one single bit once dried. Ladies and Gentleman of the gallery, I can tell you right now it absolutely did so, and didn't even do the "into the eye crease" trick eyeshadows do with me. Best works for powder eyeshadows rather than pressed, but for glitter eyes, it's perfect!

"Nude Beach Spackle": I only have a small packet of this for testing, but it was enough, it blended better with my skin than the Kryolan pancake I sometimes use and also was a really good concealer when I forgot my own one night and I only needed half as much as usual. Next time I'm getting a bigger pan!

"Glitter Stack": Otherwise known as my big glittery dong, as it is twelves inches long and has 14 different colours of glitter, including two types of Purple! I can't seem to find this on the website anymore, so it may have only been for a limited time, otherwise the glitters that are available are still fantastic for lips and face.

Atomic Cosmetics can be found at They have also been doing a GoFundMe drive as a business loan they were counting on fell through. Whatever you donate, send an email after you do and they'll give you an online voucher matching your donation amount.

Coming soon: My next costuming project for the future, and what's going to happen next to Teasing Talkies!

Keep on Dazzling,

DD xxx