Sunday, 22 December 2013

Dollar Dazzlers Picks of the year 2013!

Evening Dazzlers and Dazzler-ettes!

Its been a busy year setting myself up as a performer this year, I've done more this year than I ever thought I would which is amazing and am completely grateful for! Jan 1st there will be some updates here and on my Facebook page, I'm turning over my Swarovski encrusted leaf as this year really has been where I plan to define myself as a performer and next year I plan to own that choice of who Dollar Dazzler is, its exciting as all get out!

Now, as I salivate over the idea of the Turkey and pudding bonanza that is Christmas in a few days, In the spirit of "best of 2013" lists, here are my picks for acts that were performed in 2013 and blew me away!

First off the rank, March to May was the most glamourous time of the year for Aussie Burlesquers as the Miss Burlesque comp was on, and this years winner, The Strawberry Siren, oozed it out of all pores, her classic was stunning and after 4 long years of competing finally got the win she deserved. Here's her classic act in all its glory

Next up it was time for BHoF, for those who don't know that's for the Burlesque Hall of Fame weekend, it's their main fundraiser to keep the museum going, and at the end they crown a new queen for the year, this year was LouLou D'Vil and as usual kept the standard high, however there were two that for me, have really stuck with me, the first is Laurie Hagen, the winner of "Most Innovative" this year, you'll see why below:

The other one that really blew my mind was the duo act that while didn't win, made an impact, and that was Villany Loveless and Ruth Ordare, the work put into this is evident and they should be praised for how visually stunning it was:

Now this one is for certain my act of the year (woo!), shown recently at "Long Form Burlesque" an experiment undertaken by one of my personal faves/heros April O'Peel to get performers to make long entertaining acts like they did in the 40's and 50's. How long? 10 mins long! for some performers thats at least 3 acts right there. I've seen a couple of acts, and they have been amazing, but none as amazing at this as Voracious V and her Queen of Tea(bagging). Perfect use of clever costuming and was seriously stunning. Enjoy!

Unfortunately blogger wont embed it so go here!

I'm leaving it there now, for now, You'll have to wait until next year, I have Burly madness for Fringe and Burly Unplugged in January, and then....who knows what will happen after then? :)

Keep on Dazzling!
